Obese Cat Seems Depressed

Unable to Enjoy Normal Activities this Cat will Improve with the Correct Diet


Our cat used to be tiny and rambunctious but as he has aged, he has put on a lot of weight.  His sides are now distended and he is definitely not as playful as other two year old cats.  Could he be depressed?


Dr. Nichol:

Cats have essential needs. Even indoors they are hunters who rely on their lithe athletic bodies. Your cat is fat, his joints ache, and he struggles to get around. He may well be depressed.


Before launching a serious weight loss regimen make sure your boy is otherwise healthy. Ask your veterinarian to examine him and submit a lab profile to rule out problems like fatty liver disease. If the diagnosis is “couch potato” move on to step two.


Among the many causes for feline obesity is free choice dry food. The consequence of leaving out this high carbohydrate, low protein convenience food is more than just expanding girths. Feline diabetes is skyrocketing.


Except for those who require special food as part of medical treatment, cats should eat a diet that truly fits their physiologic needs. Canned kitten food, given 4-5 times per day, provides the right balance throughout most of a cat’s life. Research has also shown high fiber, low fat diets to work for some fat cats. Life is short, but your boy should not eat dessert first.